1 Who are the great souls of twentieth century?
The ordinary, common, good people, from all countries of the world, who tolerated the pains of all cruelty like terrorism, corruption, red tapism, politics, selfishness, goondaism, over taxing by government, cruel politician, religious fundamentalism, misbelieves, taboos, superstition – and still survived and succeeded in their life – are great souls of the world for any century.
2 Which is the newest Religion in the world?
Science is newest religion and almost all the people in the world is following it knowingly or unknowingly
3 Which religion going to rule the world?
Science is the religion, which is ruling the world now already and it is going to rule the world forever.
4 How you say, “Science is a Religion”?
Religion is one, which is followed by people. Since people are following science, this is the latest religion.
5 Which is the sacred book of Science Religion?
All Educational books with full classification of Science, Engineering, Technology, Education, employment, business, industry are all part of Science Religion
Even all the existing religions are all subset of Science Religion
The information pertaining to world’s existing religions comes under the heading “Religious Science” or Science of Religion.
6 What is purpose of Religion?
Religion is for Love and Peace – not for terrorism and violence
Religion is for Freedom and Friendship – not for slavery and cruelty
All people in the world are for helping each other – not for killing each other.
Love is GOD. GOD is Love. Love and Affection are the only duties of Religion.
If a Religion does not spread Love and Affection, we can not call it as Religion
7 What is the difference between cannibals and terrorists?
Cannibals kill other people for eating and to consume them
But terrorists kill people for their misconception, misbelief, sentiments, unwanted anger, cruelty, selfish motives and some wrong religious faiths.
Even we can forgive cannibals because they kill people only when they are hungry and they never waste the people whom they killed for eating. But we cannot forgive terrorists who just kill others for their misconceptions, misbelieves, sentiments, and wrong religious misbelieves, selfishness and cruelty.
8 What do you think about terrorists putting plane bombs, using plane as bombs, suicide bombs, train bombs and car bombs?
Bombs are invented to crack and break the rocks and to use for constructive purposes and not for killing people and damaging property.Human beings never use bombs for killing others. The human beings who use bomb to kill others are in the form of human beings. But they do not have “human” in them and they are only “beings”. And they are not called as “human beings” or people. They are called as “human predators” or “cruel creatures”.
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